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27 June 2025
Tokyo, Japan
Nordic Health Summit Japan 2025
Register now
Open until 1 June 2025


Testimonials from past Nordic participants:

A good platform for learning about potential partners among Japanese companies.”

"I was overwhelmed at the positive response from Japanese companies to have a meeting! The matchmaking far exceeded my expectations. I think the fact that the event was relatively small and very focused created an open environment."

"Extremely effective to be able to meet a few of Japan’s largest pharma players just by spending half a day."

"It was a big opportunity to meet Japanese stakeholders physically (not just online)."

Although not many, but we were able to meet with a company interested in drug development technology, which was very valuable.”

Attribute of Japanese participants: 

How likely are you to participate again in a similar event next year?

How likely is it that you received new business opportunities from participating?

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